Huntington Highway Department restores 600 feet of shoreline roadways

Huntington Highway Department restores 600 feet of shoreline roadways

Highway Superintendent Kevin Orelli is shown standing in front of the new gabion revetment wall on West Shore Road.

The Huntington Highway Department, under the direction of Highway Superintendent Kevin Orelli, recently completed its second shoreline stabilization project, which included the restoration of approximately 600 feet of shoreline roadway.

Highway Superintendent Kevin Orelli is shown atop the new gabion wall on Shore Road.

The first stabilization project took place on Shore Road in Cold Spring Harbor from September, 2020 thru November, 2020 that involved the installation of a 450 foot gabion reinforced retaining wall in addition to a new guide rail.

The second shoreline stabilization project was performed on West Shore Road in Huntington that began on the week of April 12th and took approximately two and a half weeks to complete. The Highway Department replaced and installed a130 foot section of gabion reinforced revetment in addition to a new guide rail and steel chain link fencing.

“Both gabion revetment projects were under New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) shoreline stabilization permits and will help to eliminate long-term erosion and deposition of silt and debris into the tidal areas,” stated Highway Superintendent Kevin Orelli.

Photos courtesy of Town of Huntington