Bohemia man sentenced to 10 years for possession of cocaine and gun

Bohemia man sentenced to 10 years for possession of cocaine and gun

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Defendant Christopher Reece Pleaded Guilty to Felony Drug and  Weapon Charges in August  

Suffolk County District Attorney Raymond A. Tierney announced on Nov. 29 the sentence of Christopher Reece to 10 years in prison following his August conviction  for possession of narcotics and a loaded, operable illegal weapon.  

Christopher Reece

“This conviction represents the fourth time that this defendant has been found to have either been  selling dangerous drugs and/or possessing illegal weapons,” said DA Tierney. “Enough is enough.  He needs to be held responsible for his actions and serve a significant sentence.”  

Reece, 45, pleaded guilty in August to one count of Criminal Possession of a Controlled  Substance in the Second Degree, a class A felony, and one count of Criminal Possession of a  Weapon in the Second Degree, a class C violent felony.  

The defendant was arrested on October 21, 2021, after members of the Suffolk County Police  Department executed a search warrant at his residence on Middleton Road in Bohemia. During  the search, detectives recovered 978 grams of cocaine, a loaded .9mm semiautomatic pistol, and  two additional magazines. 

Members of law enforcement estimate that the sale of the cocaine would have yielded Reece about  $90,000 in profit. Also recovered during the execution of the search warrant were several digital  scales used for weighing and distributing cocaine, multiple cellular phones, and $7,000 in cash. A  review of the cellular telephones recovered at the residence showed communications to and from  the defendant, his customers, and others, discussing narcotic transactions.  

Reece had been previously convicted in 2014, 2004 and 1998 of Attempted Criminal Possession  of a Controlled Substance in the Third Degree; Attempted Criminal Sale of a Controlled Substance  in the Third Degree and Criminal Possession of a Loaded Firearm in the Third Degree respectively.  

The defendant pleaded guilty on August 25, before Supreme Court Justice, the Honorable  Timothy P. Mazzei. At the time of his plea, Reece admitted to possessing 978 grams of cocaine  and a loaded, operable pistol. On Nov. 29  the defendant was sentenced by Justice Mazzei to 10 years’  incarceration followed by 5 years’ post-release supervision.  

Criminal complaints and indictments are merely accusatory instruments.  

Defendants are presumed innocent until proven guilty. No one is above the law.