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Most snakes ... have no sign of limb development when X-rayed or when their skeletons are studied by anatomists.

By Elof Axel Carlson

Elof Carlson
Elof Carlson

The re-discovery of Mendelism in 1900 greatly enhanced breeding for new varieties of animals and plants. Similarly, the discovery of sex chromosomes and the chromosome theory of heredity enhanced Mendelism five years later. The discovery in the 1970s of genes controlling embryonic organs and body plans enhanced both embryology and genetics.

Also in the late 20th century a molecular approach was worked out that allows detection of genes and their functions using DNA sequencing and tools for isolating and inserting genes from one species into another. A good example of this is the analysis of limb development in vertebrates.

We are vertebrates because we have a spinal column and so do fish, frogs and tetrapods (four-limbed organisms like mice, humans, deer and lizards).

But some vertebrates lack limbs. Snakes are the best example of this. Boas and pythons do have internal vestigial hind limbs but totally lack any rudiments of limbs for their forelimbs. Most snakes, like vipers, have no sign of limb development when X-rayed or when their skeletons are studied by anatomists.

How did the snakes lose their limbs? The earliest ancestors of snakes did have hind limbs. Those ancestral types are only known from the fossil record. In the 1970s Hox genes, which determine development from the head to the tail, were found in vertebrates. The Hox gene for limb development is Hox C-6. It is regulated by another gene called sonic hedgehog or Shh. In vipers the Shh gene regulating Hox C-6 is mutated for both fore and hind limb production. In pythons it is nonfunctional for forelimbs but mutated with an aborted development preventing full growth of the hind limb buds.

Just this year, molecular biologists used the new techniques of gene removal and transfer (using a tool called CRSPR) and removed the Shh gene from a mouse fertilized egg. It resulted in a limbless baby mouse. When they put a python’s Shh gene in a mouse embryo whose Shh gene was removed, the resulting baby mouse had vestigial nubbins. When a mouse fertilized egg had its own Shh gene removed and replaced by that of a fish or human Shh gene, the baby mouse had perfectly normal limb development.

This work by Axel Visel and colleagues at Lawrence Biology Laboratories in Berkeley was published in the journal Cell. What makes science so attractive to scholars is its convincing logic, tested by experiments, to explore, confirm or rule out different interpretations of a puzzle. The puzzle of nature in this case is why snakes lost their limbs.

Those who see it in human terms (because we often use the ancient Greek dictum “Man is the measure of all things”) may invoke that the snake was punished for its role in corrupting humans. The scientist, however, likes to see things in more detail. There is comparative anatomy, the fossil record, experimental embryology, gene identification for function, sequencing for recognizing the gene, molecular tools for isolating the gene and experimental means of altering fertilized eggs to follow their fate.

Elof Axel Carlson is a distinguished teaching professor emeritus in the Dept.of Biochemistry and Cell Biology at Stony Brook University.

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By Elof Carlson

Social traits include ethnic or racial identification, religious beliefs, patriotism and class or family status. We recognize that one can be a sports fan and one’s team may be self-chosen the way my father was a Brooklyn Dodger fan, my brother Roland was a New York Giants fan, and I was a Yankee fan. Fan loyalty can be deeply felt, as watching fans at a game often reveals.

We also recognize that children are usually raised in a religion chosen by their parents, which they may later reject or accept. Ethnic identity is more difficult to assess because immigrants frequently keep a lot of the “old country” values and traditions going in their children. But by the time grandchildren or great-grandchildren are born in the United States the melting pot is the norm.

I used to have students in some of my classes prepare genetic pedigrees of their family from grandparents to grandchildren, including uncles and aunts and cousins. What I learned in these exercises was that some Irish married Italians, some Jews married non-Jews, some Catholics married Protestants, some blacks married whites, and it was rare to see three generations in the United States where all members were of one descent (e.g., all Irish or all Methodists).

The farther back one goes in a family’s genealogy, the more these mixtures occur.  This tells me it is not innate to marry one’s own kind. “Birds of a feather may flock together” as a species, but as anyone who has observed dogs will know, any breed of dog can and will breed with other breeds of dogs.

Despite these evidences of cultural mixing and the uncertain religious identification our descendants will have, much of society likes to believe that social traits are inherited. If a family has several generations of physicians, they may believe being a doctor is “bred in the bone” (for those who grew up before World War II) or that it’s in the family DNA (for those who grew up after 1970 when DNA was entering crossword puzzles and rock music — “Hey hey hey hey, it’s DNA that made me that way”).

Most school teachers will experience parents taking credit for their good genes when their children excel in school but the parents may blame the teacher (or the school board) when their children do poorly in their classes. I have never heard a parent say, “It’s my crummy genes that made my child flunk your course.”

The danger of assigning genes to social behavior is that they lead to racist thinking, ethnic stereotyping and beliefs in social class inferiority. The eugenics movement of the first half of the 20th century was filled with these attempts to assign social failure with defective genes (or before the term gene existed to defective protoplasm).

I much prefer evidence based on experimentation or carefully controlled studies. But wishful thinking is easy to do and widely shared, making the world of politics, popular culture and taboo topics seem more real than the science that shatters these illusions.

Elof Axel Carlson is a distinguished teaching professor emeritus in the Department of Biochemistry and Cell Biology at Stony Brook University.